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Where Darkness Dares to Tread

    This revised and expanded horror story collection from Amazon best-selling horror author Connor Phillips exposes the hidden fears that haunt everyday life. Live streams turn deadly. Vacations morph into ritualistic nightmares. Morning showers lead to paralysis and third-degree burns.

    The stories in this collection prey on fears you don’t know you have. From slipping in scalding showers to tumbling head-first into notorious zoo exhibits—these stories take everyday reality, twists it, and conjures scares that will haunt you long after you finish the final page.

    Praise for Where Darkness Dares to Tread

    “Thanks to this horror anthology, I have at least three new phobias.”--Booksprout reviewer

    "I started following him on the NoSleep Subreddit page, where he gained a massive following almost instantly. This book is filled with the reaasons why."--P.F. McGrail, author of First, Do No Harm

    "A truly amazing collection of stories, some so bizarre I never saw it coming."--Richard Saxon, author of From the Depths

    "Genuinely shocking, gruesome, and gripping."--Travis Brown, author of House with One Hundred Doors

    “This horror story collection made me frightened of aspects of my life I typically don’t think twice about. I will never view Twitch streams and escalators the same.”--Booksprout reviewer

    The Pen Name
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